Health care is complicated, and Medicare is no exception. Knowing when to enroll in Medicare is important because a missed deadline can lead to expensive penalties.
Making Sense of Medicare Enrollment Timelines – Share This with Clients
Topics: medicare enrollment
At Western Asset Protection, we’re always on the lookout for tools and tricks that will make the job of agents easier. Since much of an agent’s work involves important documents, anything that helps agents process those documents is a welcome relief. That’s why we want to tell you about Scan, a new app from Adobe.
Topics: Tech Tool
Infographic: Medicare Age-In Study – Insurance Shopping Habits and Preferences
By 2030, people aged 65 and over will account for at least 20 percent of the U.S. population. Every day, approximately 10,000 people celebrate their 65th birthday, according to Pew Research.
Topics: Medicare, Medicare Sales
How to Replace Your Medicare Card – Share This with Clients!
Have you lost your Medicare card? If so, or if it has been damaged or stolen, you need a replacement. You have several options when it comes to replacing your Medicare card.
Topics: Medicare card replacement, Medicare card
How to Recruit, Develop and Retain Talented Insurance Agents
Last April, the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance presented the ninth national Medicare Insurance Industry Summit, an industry conference focused on catching (and keeping) the attention of talented agents. It was called "Issues and Trends in Medicare Supplement Insurance," and it featured a panel of four national distributors (including WAP) who shared what they've learned from recruiting and developing thousands of agents throughout their careers.
Topics: recruit more agents, agent recruiting
Do you have clients or family members who care for an elderly or disabled loved one? Then you’ll relate to the facts we’re about to share. Caregiving is stressful work! Below, we share the signs of caregiver burnout along with four ideas to help caregivers take better care of themselves.
Topics: care giving, caregivers
Known across the nation as “THE LEAD GURU,” Don Runge is joining Western Asset Protection on Wednesday, May 31 for a career-changing lead workshop.
Topics: Don Runge
Agents – If you’ve ever wondered about the size of your Medicare Advantage sales opportunity, you’re in for an insightful experience. AHIP’s March 2017 Medicare Advantage Enrollment report shows which states have the highest penetration of eligible people who buy Medicare Advantage products.
Topics: Medicare Avantage
Before you treat yourself to tacos and margaritas tonight, take this quiz to see how much you really know about Cinco de Mayo.
Topics: Cinco de Mayo
CMS has issued final rules for the individual health insurance market for 2018. These rules apply to policies purchased on or off the marketplace.
Topics: ObamaCare, open enrollment